H Upmann is as famous a brand as there is in the world of Cuban cigars. The H. Upmann cigar brand dates back to 1844, when Herman Upmann, a German banker, began using specially imprinted boxes of Cuban cigars as promotional items for his banking firm. The combination proved successful, so the H. Upmann cigar brand was born and continues to this day.

The success of this Cuban cigar brand was buoyed by the award of seven gold medals in seven international Cuban cigar exhibitions between 1862 and 1893; these awards still adorn the lithographed interior of the cigar box today.

The Upmann cigar brand was sold to the British firm of J. Frankau in 1922 and finally in 1935 to Menendez, Garcia & Cia. prior to nationalization, continues today in the H. Upmann cigar factory, now known as Jose Marti. The famous request of President John F. Kennedy to his press secretary, Pierre Salinger, to obtain Cuban cigars on the evening prior to the declaration of the American trade embargo in 1961, was for Petit Upmanns.
H. Upmann is available in a stunning range of handmade and machine-made cigar sizes. Most of the Upmann cigars offer a mild to medium strength. Upmann is one of the most prestigious cigar's brands of all times. Its fame surpassed the expectations and dreams of its creators, the German brothers Hermann and August Hupmann, who established in Havana in 1843.

The first news of the H Upmann brand, popular among strong Cuban cigars smokers, appeared in October, 15th, 1844. The origin of the name H. Upmann is in the letter H, first one of the word hermanos (brothers in English), and the last name Hupmann, in which was eliminated the H to avoid the repetition.

The brand was registered in 1945. The factory was placed in 75 San Miguel Street, in Havana Cuba; afterwards, it was transferred to Carlos III Avenue, in 1891, in the Cuban capital.
The brand became a property of the British company Frankau, S. A. Fortunately, this enterprise sold this Cuban cigar factory to the Association Menéndez García & Co., which returned the splendour it had lost, and placed it in one of the top positions at international level.

In 1944 the Upmann factory moved into 407 Amistad Street, its present location. At that time Menéndez García already owned Montecristo and Por Larrañaga.
The H. Upmann is producing the brand Cohiba since 1959. H. Upmann was an innovative brand. It was one of the first to use cedar boxes to store and transport Cuban cigars. This system permits the conservation of the cigar's freshness and humidity.

Another of the new actions was the introduction of the aluminium tubes to preserve the Cuban cigars. The H. Upmann cigars were very famous in Germany, were they were served in silver plates.

Nowadays, H Upmann cigars are commercialized in Spain, Canada, Great Britain, the Far East, Swiss, Mexico, Africa and the Middle East. These Cuban cigars are made with tobacco from Vuelta Abajo, (Pinar del Rio). The Upmann brand is very ingrained in the smokers who prefer strong cigars. Its mature cigar wrapper reinforces the cigar flavour and aroma; and provides them of a sweet and spicy touch.

H. Upmann presents around 40 cigar models, many of them machine-made. The larger vitolas are outstanding, specially two churchills: H. Upmann Sir Wiston and H. Upmann Monarcas (undressed or in aluminium tubes); they also offer the light models as the Connaisseur No.1 (robusto) and Cristales (corona). These last Cuban cigars are presented in crystal tubes. Many of the vitolas coincide with the brands of Montecristo.

H. Upmann Cigars for sale at Cuban Cigar Lounge:

H. Upmann Lonsdales cigars

H. Upmann Magnum 46 cigars

H Upmann Magnum 48 LE 2009 cigars

H. Upmann Magnum 50 cigars

H. Upmann Magnum 50 Cabinet 50 cigars

H. Upmann Magnum 50 Edición Limitada 2005 cigars

H. Upmann Monarcas cigars

H. Upmann Petit Coronas cigars

H. Upmann Sir Winston cigars

H. Upmann Upmann No.2 cigars

H. Upmann Upmann No.4 cigars

Other H. Upmann Cigars:

H. Upmann 150 Anniversary Celebration Dinner cigars

H. Upmann Amatistas cigars

H. Upmann Aromaticos No.1 cigars

H. Upmann Aromaticos No.2 cigars

H. Upmann Belvederes cigars

H. Upmann Cinco Bocas cigars

H. Upmann Connoisseur No.1 cigars

H. Upmann Coronas cigars

H. Upmann Coronas Junior cigars

H. Upmann Coronas Major cigars

H. Upmann Coronas Minor cigars

H. Upmann Cristales cigars

H. Upmann Culebras cigars

H. Upmann Demi Tasse cigars

H. Upmann El Prado cigars

H. Upmann Epicures cigars

H. Upmann Especiales cigars

H. Upmann Excepcionales de Rothschilds cigars

H. Upmann Exquisitos cigars

H. Upmann Gran Coronas cigars

H. Upmann Hussars cigars

H. Upmann Kings cigars

H. Upmann Majestic cigars

H. Upmann Medias Coronas HM cigars

H. Upmann Medias Coronas MM cigars

H. Upmann Naturales cigars

H. Upmann Noellas cigars

H. Upmann Preciosas cigars

H. Upmann Regalias cigars

H. Upmann Royal Coronas cigars

H. Upmann Short Coronas cigars

H. Upmann Singulares cigars

H. Upmann Super Coronas cigars

H. Upmann Upmann No.1 cigars

H. Upmann Upmann No.3 cigars