Cohiba Behike 56 Cigars BHK 56
Gauge: Thick
Format: BHK 56 / Laguito No.6
Weight: grams
Length: 166 mm
Ring: 56
Manufactured: Hand Made cigars
Presentation: 10 cigars in a wood checkerboard box
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Cigar Review The Behike cigars are composed of Cuban Medio Tiempo leaves wich are taken from the top leaves of each tobacco plant. These leaves are said to absorb the most sun therefore produce a unique flavor profile. This is probably the main reason why the Behikes are such rare Cuban cigars and will only be produced in very small quantities each year. The cigar wrapper is composed of a medium to light brown wrapper which is extremely consistent in color. The cap of the Behike cigar is a double capped semi-pig tail that bleeds seamlessly into the body of the cigar. The band is very similar to the yellow and black Cohiba band, but instead of the main crest being the brand name, it is embossed with a gold BEHIKE stamp along with a textured hologram of the Cohiba Head logo. The back of band has yet another hologram. This one is composed of a ton of smaller COHIBA logos along with the head. Above this hologram is the gold COHIBA logo along with another logo as well as the yellow Habana, Cuba emblem we are all used to. The Behike gives off a very slight grassy/earthy aroma from the wrapper which is only more pronounced at the foot with a little touch of spice. The first third gives off a very mild smoke with the flavor profile composed mostly of softer cedar and earthly flavors backed by a very nice spice and even just a dash of pepper that is only evident enough to tease the tip of my tongue. The draw, very tight. I wouldn't say it was plugged but I really wish it wasn't as tight as it is. The draw, once it hits me is semi-thick and produces a decent amount of solid white smoke. The Behike does give off a hell of a lot of stationary smoke. At times you can see the oils burning off the wrapper. Very pleasant in scent as well with cedar and spice being the main aromas. Halfway There: The pepper and spice really mellowed out into the second third of the Behike. The cedar and earthy tones are still there in full force but the entire experience has turned to a much more creamy, softer one. Finish: the spice and pepper make a comeback and its making for a totally great Cuban cigar! The main flavors have to be the pepper and spice mixture with the cedar and earthy tones making only subtle appearances.
Cigar Price at Cuban Cigar Lounge Cohiba Behike 56: $320.00 U.S.D. Order here!
Other Behike Cigars at Cuban Cigar Lounge:
Year of Foundation: 1927
Tobacco Country: Cuba
Tobacco Procedence: Vuelta Abajo (Pinar del Rio)
Cigar Factory: Partagas
The Cohiba cigar brand was introduced only in 1968. Cohiba quickly became the flagship cigar brand of the Cuban cigar industry. Cohiba was developed in the beginning as a medium bodied protocol cigar for presentation only by officials of the Cuban government, but Cohiba cigars were marketed widely beginning in 1982. The initial Cohiba cigar sizes were the Lancero, the Corona Especial and the Panetela, with the Cohiba Esplendido, Cohiba Robusto and Cohiba Exquisito added in 1989. In 1992, for the 500th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of the Caribbean, the Cohiba Siglo series were introduced. The Cohiba cigars were initially made in the El Laguito factory in Havana, Cuba, but production is now also done in the Fernando Perez German factory. Click here for more Cohiba cigar history!
Authentic Cohiba Cigars
Cuban Cigar Lounge prides itself in only selling genuine Cohiba Sublimes cigars at the most competitive prices on the online Cuban cigar market. Our cigars are 100% real Habano cigars. Buy your Cohiba Behike 56 cigars here!