Montecristo cigars are distributed widely throughout the world and were sold originally by Dunhill New York. The Montecristo cigar brand currently accounts for almost 50% of all Cuban cigars exported each year, making the Montecristo cigars the most popular Habano cigars in the world. The Montecristo cigar was originally branded in 1935 under the name "the H. Upmann Montecristo Selection".

When appointed the British distribution agent, the John Hunter firm shortened this Cuban cigar brand's name to Montecristo. The John Hunter firm also redesigned the brand's logo to its distinctive red and yellow box with the triangular crossed swords. These delicious, full-flavored Cuban cigars are highly recognizable to the pallate due to their unique tobacco blend, and their highly distinctive Cuban cigar flavor. The Montecristo cigar brand is also highly popular as the result of it's exeptionally consistent quality.

Almost a century after the publication of the novel The Count of Monte Cristo, Alonso Menéndez from Asturias, who already had a cigar business in Cuba, created and registered a trade mark of cigars after the name of the main character of that novel.

The Montecristo cigars, have transcended the fame of Alejandro Dumas' character, due to its aroma, flavour and exceptional strength. Menéndez associated with another Cuban cigar maker from Asturias in 1935, José García, from that union was created the Menéndez, García & Co., a new enterprise that developed the brand Particulares. This cigar brand was considered in very short time one of the first in the world.

Menéndez, García & Co. created the brand Montecristo in 1935, and its launch took place in 1936, after the sale of Particulares to Cifuentes & Cia. owned of Partagas.
The benefits of that sale allowed Menéndez to adquire H. Upmann, which at that time was having a bad situation. Menéndez, García & Co. updated the cigar factory considering the rollers. In that way he recuperated the previous splendour of the H. Upmann cigars in a short time. That association adquired the Por Larrañaga cigar brand afterwards, and became the main cigar producer of Cuba, in 1939.

After the recovery of H.Upmann, Menéndez, García & Co. concentrated on developing the Montecristo, which was promoted as a prestigious Cuban cigar. Its five numbers were named: No.1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5. Montecristo cigars are strong, with a dark brown cigar wrapper; its cigar strength is present in the traditional forms, from No.1 through No.5. Montecristo No.2 cigars became famous for being the best shape in the Cuban cigar market. The Montecristo Class A, is a 235 mm cigar and stands out a little above all classifications.

Montecristo tobacco comes from Vuelta Abajo (Pinar del Rio). It's commercialized mainly in Spain, France, Benelux, Hong Kong, Canada, East Europe Swiss, Germany and Great Britain.

Montecristo Cigars for sale at Cuban Cigar Lounge:

Montecristo #1 cigars

Montecristo #2 cigars

Montecristo #3 cigars

Montecristo #4 cigars

Montecristo #5 cigars

Montecristo Especial #1 cigars

Montecristo Especial #2 cigars

Montecristo Robusto Edición Limitada 2001 cigars

Montecristo Robusto Edición Limitada 2006 cigars

Montecristo Doble Corona Edición Limitada 2001 cigars

Montecristo Edmundo cigars

Montecristo Petit Edmundo cigars

Montecristo A cigars

Montecristo C Edición Limitada 2003 cigars

Montecristo D Edición Limitada 2006 cigars

Montecristo Sublimes Edición Limitada 2008 cigars

Montecristo Open Eagle cigars

Montecristo Open Master cigars

Other Montecristo Cigars:

Montecristo B cigars

Montecristo D Edición Limitada 2005 cigars

Montecristo #4 Reserva cigars

Montecristo #6 cigars

Montecristo #7 cigars

Montecristo Tubos cigars

Montecristo Petit Edmundos cigars

Montecristo Petit Tubos cigars

Montecristo Robusto Edición Limitada 2001 cigars

Montecristo Robustos Millenium cigars