In the first half of the 19th century a Catalan predicted excellent results to the hand made cigars business. In 1845, Don Jaime Partagás gave his name to a new cigar brand, the one that achieved celebrity very soon. This is how the the Royal Factory of Cigars Partagás started. And Partagás became one of the oldest and most well-known of all Cuban cigar brands.
Jaime Partagás was one of the first Cuban cigar makers who was strictly careful in improving the techniques to increase the production, mainly the fermentation area.
Don Jaime was found dead in one of his plantations in Vuelta Abajo; it is said that the cause was related to love affairs, jealousy and revenge. After his deceased his descendants continued his work.
Afterwards the Partagas cigar factory was sold to José A. Bances and Ramón Cifuentes, and had several owners through time. Nowadays, the Royal Factory of Cigars Partagás is still manufacturing excellent Cuban cigars, as in the times of Don Jaime.
The Partagas factory is placed in a beautiful building of colonial style on Industria Street, in the Old Havana. It is the oldest cigar factory in Cuba, and one of the greatest attractions in the capital of the island. The Partagas factory is a place of obligatory visit for the Cuban cigars fans when visiting the country. In this factory they started using for first time "the reader", which is a person that read aloud the newspapers and novels to the cigar rollers while they are working.
This well known Cuban Cigar brand is made out of tobacco from Vuelta Abajo (Pinar del Rio). The 8-9-8 Partagás are probably the most famous ones, these fine Cuban cigars are known by their aroma and taste medium strong; rolled very carefully and generally wrapped with a light color.
The Partagas cigars are commercialized in Spain, France, Benelux, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, the Caribbean, Africa, Middle East, Canada, East Europe, Hong Kong, Swiss, Germany and Great Britain. They have achieved several awards in events related with the Cuban cigars world and others. For example, in 1879 the brand Partagás was awarded with the Golden Medal of the Universal Exhibition, held in Paris.
The Partagas cigar brand is produced in huge quantities in many varieties; being one of the truly great, old Habano cigar brands, the demand for Partagas cigars continues to outweigh the supply of these excellent Cuban cigars. All of the Partagas cigar vitoles are full, rich, with earthy cigar flavors. The Partagas brand is also strong, making it a Cuban cigar of choice for more serious Cuban cigar smokers. There is nothing quite as relaxing as lighting up a famous Partagas Lusitania after a heavy meal. As the Partagas cigar brand is consistently outstanding, most Partagas cigars are relatively expensive, particularly the most well known and sought after Partagas cigar, the Partagas Lusitania. Partagas cigars won gold medals in at least three international expositions held in Paris in the years 1867, 1878 and 1898. Also keep your eye and cutter on the Partagas 8-9-8 varnish (Barnizados), another outstanding Partagas cigar creation. In 1998 Partagas cigars were being produced in eleven different Cuban cigar factories.